Evolution of a Flower Bed

The space under the witch hazel was rendered very sparse by the Scilla bifolia purge last year. The Diamond Tiara hostas survived being lifted, put aside, and put back. The hyacinths that have been there for decades survived being rearranged. The Scilla bifolia seedlings that had the temerity to sprout have been removed.

Time to look at the rest of this rather bare flowerbed and scout for new residents.

The hostas, Diamond Tiara, are filling out nicely. Photographed on May 27, 2019.

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Two Plants With Barely Overlapping Schedules

It’s quite remarkable that two perennial plants can coexist right next to each other, but barely overlap in their above-ground time. The two I want to focus on today are Indian pinks and Dutchman’s breeches. Back in mid-May, many spring ephemera were either blooming or done, but there among them were the Indian pinks, just breaking ground.

From left to right: barely showing at the left edge, twinleaf; pointing to this post’s stars are the bright green Iris cristata; the two small clumps of new chartreuse growth are Indian pinks; and the blue-green feathery foliage belongs to the Dutchman’s breeches. Photographed on May 10, 2018.

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