These lists include the regulars. I have seen two indigo buntings and one red-breasted nuthatch in the last 30 years or so, so they are not on the list.
Vertebrates List
Animals in the yard, not including neighbor cats.
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Black-capped chickadee | |
Bluejay | |
Cardinal | |
Catbird | |
Cedar waxwing | |
Chimney swift | |
Chipmunk, eastern | |
Hawk, Cooper | |
House sparrow | |
Mourning dove | |
Nuthatch, white-breasted | |
Finch, purple | |
Rabbit, eastern cottontail | |
Robin | |
Slate-colored junco | |
Squirrel, fox | |
Squirrel, gray | |
Squirrel, red | |
Titmouse | |
Invertebrates List
Bugs, butterflies, spiders, and other invertebrates in the yard, not including hard-to-identify critters such as aphids, ants, small beetles, centipedes, flies, and worms.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Notes |
Asparagus beetle | | |
Bumblebee | | |
Butterfly, comma | | One spotted in 2022. |
Butterfly, monarch | | These have become rare. |
Butterfly, red admiral | | None spotted in 2022. |
Firefly | | |
Honeybee | | |
Hornet, bald-faced | | |
Japanese beetle | | |
Leafhopper, candy-striped | Graphocephala coccinea | |
Ladybug | | |
Metallic green bee | | |
Moth, cabbage | | |
Moth, Sphinx | | |
Praying mantis | | |
Spider, crab | | |
Spider, garden | | |
Spider, wolf | | |
Walking stick | | |
Yellowjacket | | |